Application Agreement - Nurse Grants
In submitting an application for funding to Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, the following terms are agreed to.
Applicant agreement
The submitter of this application has the informed consent of all named participants to the following conditions:1. The grant funds will not be expended for any other purpose than that described in this application.1. I agree to publicity and photographs (if requested) and will acknowledge Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s sponsorship at appropriate opportunities.
1. I will submit a report to BCFNZ on the outcome of this grant, in a timely manner.I have read the above Applicant agreement section and all associated documentation in their entirety and agree that I and all named parties in this application shall be bound by the terms and conditions in every respect.
Institution agreement
By submitting this application to Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, the institution:
- Indemnifies BCFNZ, and will keep BCFNZ indemnified, from any claims, demands, costs, actions or proceedings of any nature which may arise at any time from the funding of this grant, or on account of death or injuries to persons or property or arise in any manner from anything done or omitted to be done under this Agreement.
- Indicates that the appropriate
- Principal Investigator and/or Supervisor,
- or Head of Department,
is/are fully cognisant of the details of the proposed grant and will give it their full support.
*The above is explicitly agreed to by the institution when submitting an application to BCFNZ.*If you can't find the information you need, please use the "Get in touch" form on
this page to send an inquiry to the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.
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